The Big Secret In Healthcare in Coeur d’Alene ID
The Big Secret In Healthcare
in Coeur d'Alene ID

“You cannot heal in the same environment where you became sick.”
Read that again, please, before moving on. We live very fast lives. Everything is quick, accessible, and demanding at the same time. We must remember that this vessel of a body must ADAPT to the stressors and demands of our days. If it cannot adapt, sickness and disease will win. A fast pace of life with a lack of healthy choices will lead to a stressed INTERNAL and EXTERNAL environment. You cannot HEAL in the SAME environment that CAUSED your sickness. There is no magic pill, you must alter the environment you have been in (sometimes for 20 years) to allow the body to heal once again.
External stressors include family, finances, careers, friends., motivation or the lack of motivation, awful movement patterns at work, etc. We aren’t here, however, to have a discussion on how to reduce the things that cause your stress. It is our job to inform you that whatever environment your body failed to adapt to, is the cause of your illness: Back pain, thyroid problems, digestion issues, and the list goes on. These external, outside of the body stressors are thought to be more physically and emotionally damaging. This continued insult, if uncorrected, can lead to decreased adaptability resulting in poorer health. Similarly, the internal environment must also adapt to the gulag we put our body through. The internal environment more traditionally revolves around chemical choices we make. Eating un-nurturing foods, taking medications, vaccines, wearing clothing or eating out of things that are endocrine disruptors. It is the constant irritation to the body that leads to a life of sickness. We must change the environment to allow for healing to take place. This is the secret other “health care” providers will not tell you. Mostly, because this is not the lens by which they are taught.
The good news is that no matter the environment, internal or external, your body perceives it all through the nerve system. The great news is that that Chiropractic has a direct influence on the adaptation of the body to its environment. When a healthy nerve system is present, a restored and robust nerve system will always adapt better that one who is already “run down.” When there is optimal communication between the brain and body, our innate response to stressful loads is appropriately dealt with. Again, when the body fails to adapt to an environment and the tissues of the body cannot muster up a resistance, sickness and disease begin to take over.
There is a 50/50 relationship. If you know the stove is hot – don’t touch it. If you know that drinking three diet Dr Peppers after your adjustment is problematic to your health, stop the chemical insult. You cannot heal in the same environment where you became sick. There is a direct responsibility to eat better, move better, be more positively mindful (auto-suggestions) in coordination with the care you receive. It is our passion to further teach our community how to gain victory over their health. It starts with a NEW environment to allow healing to begin and a HEALTHY nerve supply. There is no magic wonder drug. It starts with you creating change that you want. Become clear on the vision of your health. It’s the only thing that one day, you’ll wish you had more of.
Contact our Coeur d'Alene ID chiropractic clinic
Please feel free to contact HomeTown Family Chiropractic in Coeur d'Alene ID at (208) 261-2206 with any questions you may have.
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
HomeTown Family Chiropractic
291 E Appleway Ave #101
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814